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FMCC Student work

Fulton-Montgomery Community College (FMCC), in conjunction with the Fulton Montgomery Young Professionals Network (FMYPN) of the Fulton Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted TEDxFMCC on Wednesday, January 25, 2017, on the FMCC campus. This event was the Fulton Montgomery, NY region’s inaugural TEDx event and featured talks on Innovation in Education, Healthcare and Community Development.

Students in the Communications and Broadcast Media major documented the event and edited together the official documentation.

Mike Dardaris | TEDxFMCC

No Bells, No Textbooks, No Desks, No Rows, No Problem

13:10 | 2017


PTECH = No bells, no textbooks, no desks, no rows, no problem. Tales from a rule breaking high school.

Vincent DeSantis | TEDxFMCC

The Micropolis

11:47| 2017


This presentation examines the concept of the Micropolis as the ideal sustainable, healthy 21st century community using a small American city in upstate New York as a model.  DeSantis discusses a type of new micropolis that fosters improved public health and happiness, environmental stewardship and high quality of life for its citizens in a culturally diverse society.

Ronald Marsh | TEDxFMCC

Robotic Surgery in Upstate New York

7:31 | 2017


In this talk, the topic of robotic surgery is explored to see how this new form of surgery reduces complications due to surgery.

Irina Gelman | TEDxFMCC

Telehealth Expanding Access to Care

11:13| 2017


How technology is being used to assess and address regional needs for healthcare.

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